تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
Talent Acquisition
Talent Acquisition
عرار الموصلي
عدد الساعات
فترة الانعقاد
أيام النشاط التدريبي
17:00 - 20:00
تصنيفات النشاط التدريبي
الموارد البشرية
لغة النشاط التدريبي
نوع التدريب
دورات قصيرة
اخر موعد للتسجيل
السعر للأردني
120 JOD
السعر لغير الأردني
225 US$

By the end of this course, trainees will be able to :-


- Analyze organizational environment, including future business challenges and their impact on the organization's workforce .

- Integrate workforce planning into the strategic plan of their organization

- Describe the key steps to developing a strategic workforce plan, including analysis, forecasting, strategy development and cost modeling

- Explain fundamental concepts, principles, techniques and judgment in supply-demand forecasting and supply programs in determining HR planning

- Summarize the role of HR planning in functions such as training and development, compensation and benefits programs, payroll, performance management and health and safety at work.

- Define recruitment, list its main steps and learn the best methods/sources for attracting qualified candidates.

- Practice the various techniques used for short listing and assessing candidates and the reliability and validity of each.

- Discover the main types of selection interviews and when and how to use each.

- Prepare and conduct a probing interview for any vacancy/level in the organization.


الفئة المستهدفة

- HR generalists or HR specialists seeking to gain further practical skills and up-to-date insights in all of the key domains of HR.

- Individuals currently working in HR who lack a formal academic qualification in - business or HR.

- Individuals considering transitioning into an HR managerial role.


- Introduction to HR Planning:

- Staffing Model.

- Strategic Planning Model.

- Stages of Strategic HR Planning.

- Environmental Analysis:

- PESTLE Analysis.

- SWOT Analysis.

- Forecasting Employment Needs.

- Judgmental vs. Statistical :

- The Nominal Group Technique.

- The Delphi Technique.

- Long-term Forecasting:

- Unit Demand​.

- Trend Projection .

- Markov Analysis.

- Short-Term Forecasting:

- Work-load analysis.

- Succession Planning & Career Path.

- Labor shortage & labor surplus.

- Recruitment:

- Recruiting Program Goals.

- Attract Highly Qualified Applicants.

- Recruitment Planning Steps.

- Identify the job opening.

- Decide how to fill the job opening.

- Identify the target population.

- Notify the target population.

- Meet with the candidates.

- Selection:

- Validity Defined.

- Reliability Defined.

- Behavior Consistency Model.

- Selection Methods.

- Application blanks.

- Bio data inventories.

- Background investigations.

- Reference checks.

- Employment interviews.

- Employment tests.

- Assessment centers.

- Employees' socialization.

- Orientation & On-boarding .

- Cases study.

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