تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
Certified International Call Center Representative (CICCR) Certification August 2022
Certified International Call Center Representative (CICCR) Certification August 2022
ليث العلمي
عدد الساعات
فترة الانعقاد
أيام النشاط التدريبي
5:00 - 8:00
تصنيفات النشاط التدريبي
عمليات الدعم
لغة النشاط التدريبي
نوع التدريب
شهادات مهنية
اخر موعد للتسجيل
السعر للأردني
650 JOD
السعر لغير الأردني
918 US$

A well-trained Call Centre is the heart of any operation. Call Centre employees who possess skill and professionalism, who know how to handle a great variety of situations, will be an asset to any organization. Call Centre training will allow the employee to enter their work area with confidence knowing they are equipped to answer questions and overcome objections and ultimately close the deal. The program will cover practical exercises, role playing, and case studies. This program certification is offered from the ICBC - Institute of Certified Business Consultants in USA.

 Program Duration: The Program is covered in 12 hours delivered – 3 hours per session.



Module 1: Introduction to Call Center Soft Skills:


What is a Call Center?

Why Do They Call?

Caller Satisfaction

Why Do Customers Leave?

What are the Customer Values!

Customer Service Professionalism

What Drives Our Actions?

Customer Service Overview

Customer Expects

 How Important is Tone

How Meaning is Communicated

Voice Quality

Barriers to Listening

Communication Skills

Proper Phone Techniques

Create a Positive Telephone Image

 Call Closing

Negative Phrases

 Positive Phrases

Questions Types

Call Quality

Two-Way Communication

Barriers to Effective Communication

Techniques for Effective Listening

Putting Caller on Hold

Transferring the Caller

Closing Tie Downs

Professional Phrases

Handling Talkative Callers


Module 2: Complaint Handling Basics
  • The cause of customer complaints
  • The benefits of handling complaints effectively
  • The learning value of complaints
  • Complaining customers can get angry
  • Summary and suggestions
 Module 3: Active Listening
  • The importance of listening
  • Passive versus active listening
  • Steps in active listening
  • Words to encourage the other person to do most of the talking
Module 4: Anger Diffusion and Objection Handling
  • Treating anger as an emotional state
  • Recognizing anger
  • Diffusing other people's anger
  • How to apologize without admitting guilt
  • Transition from anger to diffusion
  • Prerequisites to handling objections
  • Recognizing and objection
  • Handling objections
  • Moving to safer grounds
  • Summary and suggestions
Module 5: Mediation and Negotiations
  •  Prerequisites to mediation
  • Recognizing the parties
  • Define your role as a third-part solution broker
  • Mediation steps
  • Mediation results
  • Summary and suggestions
  • Prerequisites to negotiations
  • Steps in negotiating
  • Understanding bargaining chips
  • Negotiation styles
  • Negotiation results
  • Summary and results




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