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Visa Dispute Handling and Chargebacks Essentials
Visa Dispute Handling and Chargebacks Essentials
Training Activity Rate
احمد ابو السعد
Training activity Hours
Training activity Date
Training Activity Days
Start and End Time
17:00 - 20:00
Training Activity Classification
Retail Management
Course Language
Type of Training
short courses
Deadline for registration
Price For Jordanian
48 JOD
Price For Non Jordanian
120 US$

- Introduction to Visa Disputes and Chargebacks:

  -  Understanding Visa Disputes:

  - Definition and significance of Visa disputes.

  - Key participants in the dispute resolution process.

- Common Scenarios Leading to Disputes:

- Common Dispute Scenarios:

  - Overview of typical situations leading to Visa disputes.

  - Real-life case studies illustrating dispute scenarios.

- Identifying Trouble Areas:

  - How to recognize potential problem areas in transactions.

  - Preventing disputes through proactive measures.

- Prevention and Resolution Strategies:

- Preventing Disputes:

  - Strategies for preventing disputes before they occur.

  - Best practices for risk mitigation.

- Effective Dispute Resolution:

  - Steps and procedures for handling Visa disputes.

  - Strategies for efficient and customer-friendly resolution.

-Record-keeping and Documentation:

- Importance of Documentation:

  - The crucial role of transaction records in dispute resolution.

  - Types of documentation needed for various dispute scenarios.

- Organizing Records:

  - Best practices for organizing and maintaining transaction records.

  - Ensuring easy retrieval and accessibility.

- Visa Regulations and Compliance:

- Understanding Visa Regulations:

  - An overview of Visa's official dispute resolution rules and guidelines.

  - Importance of adherence to Visa regulations.

- Consequences of Non-Compliance:

  - Consequences and penalties for non-compliance with Visa regulations.

  - How to stay up-to-date with Visa's rule changes.

- Effective Communication and Customer Service:

- Customer Communication Skills:

  - Developing strong communication skills for effective dispute resolution.

  - Strategies for dealing with irate customers and difficult situations.

- Maintaining Customer Satisfaction:

  - Methods for resolving disputes while ensuring customer satisfaction.

  - The role of empathy and professionalism in customer service.

- Legal and Regulatory Framework:

- Legal Aspects of Card Transactions:

  - Introduction to the legal and regulatory framework governing card and POS transactions.

  - Rights and responsibilities of merchants and customers.

- Protecting Parties

  - How legal protections benefit both merchants and customers in dispute cases.

  - Compliance with laws and regulations for dispute resolution.

- Performance Metrics and Data Analysis:

- Key Performance Metrics:

  - Identifying and understanding key performance metrics for monitoring dispute handling.

  - Using metrics to evaluate performance.

- Data Analysis:

  - Analyzing data to identify areas of improvement and potential trends.

  - Making informed decisions based on data analysis.

- Interactive Learning and Practice:

  - Group Discussions:

  - Learning from real-life examples and group discussions.

  - Sharing experiences and best practices among participants.

Target Group

-    New recruited employees looking to build a strong foundation in the banking industry.

General Goal

By the end of this training course, trainees will be able to :


   - Identify what Visa disputes are and why they occur.

   - Describe the basics of chargebacks and their role in card and POS transactions.

   - Identify common situations that lead to disputes and chargebacks.

   - Discover practical strategies to prevent disputes and resolve them effectively.

   - Identify the importance of maintaining proper documentation for dispute resolution.

   - Identify Visa's rules and regulations related to dispute handling.

   - Develop customer service and communication skills for resolving disputes.

   - Explore the legal and regulatory framework that governs card and POS transactions.

   - Specify key performance metrics and how to use data for improvement.


-    New recruited employees looking to build a strong foundation in the banking industry.

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