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ESG Risk Assessment for Lenders and Asset Managers
ESG Risk Assessment for Lenders and Asset Managers
Training Activity Rate
Training activity Hours
Training activity Date
Training Activity Days
Start and End Time
9:00 - 17:00
Training Activity Classification
Workshops and Conferences
Course Language
In class
Type of Training
Deadline for registration
Price For Jordanian
950 JOD
Price For Non Jordanian
1342 US$

» Protect the value of a bank’s asset portfolio, including that of its loan book.
» Make sound investment and lending decisions from a more sustainable perspective.
» Manage the risks associated with ESG-related issues, especially credit risk.
» Apply solid sustainability research, including ESG quality, SDG impact and CO2 analysis, to underwriting and asset management businesses.
» Interpret and overcome the quality issues related to ESG/SDG/CO2 data sets.
» Implement a sustainable research, investment and selection process (from ESG/SDG analysis to engagement and proxy voting and reporting) in underwriting and asset management businesses.
» Write a PRI report (as every PRI signatory is required to perform).
» Design transparent sustainability reporting for your bank, fund, loan book, asset management company.

Target Group

» Portfolio/asset/fund managers.
» Credit analysts.
» Ratings advisors.
» Equity analysts.
» Credit risk professionals.
» Asset owners.
» Investment and commercial bankers.
» Financial regulators.
» Banking supervisors.


- Introduction:
- ESG Case Studies:
» Provide examples of companies who have been negatively impacted by ESG risks.
» Case Study: Vale.
» Case Study: Ali Enterprises.
» Case Study: Volkswagen.
- Environmental Risk :
- Introduction to Environmental Risk:
» Describe environmental risk.
» Case Study: Groups work on a self-selected relevant case.
» Identify the main types of environmental risk issues.
- Importance of Managing Environmental Risk:
» Explain the strategic importance of environmental risk to lenders.
» Explain the impact of environmental risks (Direct, indirect liability and reputational impact).
- Minimizing Environmental Risk:
» Understand how to assess environmental risk in a lending transaction (Data, environmental due diligence, covenants, conditions, etc.).
» Describe how lenders can mitigate environmental risks in their lending portfolio.
- Measuring and Managing Climate Change Risks:
» Understand TCFD recommendations.
» Describe different tools to measure climate risks.
- Social Risk:
- Introduction to Social Risk:
» Describe social risk.
» Case Study: Groups work on a self-selected relevant case.
» Explain how social risk has evolved over time.
» Identify the main types of social risk issues.
- Importance of Managing Social Risk:
» Explain the strategic importance of social risk.
» Explain the impact that social risks can have on a business and lender.
- Minimizing Social Risk:
» Understand how to assess social risk in a lending transaction (Data, social due diligence, covenants, conditions, etc.).
» Describe how lenders can mitigate environmental risks in their lending portfolio Course Detail.
- Governance Risk:
- Introduction to Governance Risk:
» Describe governance risk.
» Case Study: Groups work on a self-selected relevant case.
» Explain how governance risk has evolved over time.
» Identify the main types of governance risk issues.
» Importance of Managing Governance Risk.
» Explain the strategic importance of governance risk.
» Explain the impact that governance risks can have on a business.
» Explain the impact that governance risks can have on a lender
- Minimizing Governance Risk:
» Understand how to assess governance risk in a lending transaction.
» Describe how lenders can mitigate governance risks.
- ESG and Credit Risk:
- ESG impacts Credit Ratings:
» Understand why Credit Rating Agencies acquire and integrate ESG Rating and Research Providers.
» Actual discussions with regulators in central banks and policy bodies (EU). More required capital for poor ESG qualities.
» Case Study: Latest requirements by the Bundesbank (GE).
- Quantitative credit rating models including ESG factors:
- Understand discriminant analysis.
- Case Study: Applying quantitative credit rating models.
- Understand the importance of data quality.
- Emerging ESG Issues and Regulations:
- SDG Impact:
» Describe the Sustainable Development Goals.
» Describe SDG impact measurement methodologies.
- Modern Slavery Act:
» Describe Modern Slavery and the Modern Slavery Act.
» Explain the impact of modern slavery on lenders.
- Equator Principles and Reporting:
» Describe the Equator Principles.
» Understand the key principles covered by the framework.
» Identify who the Equator Principles apply to and what the reporting requirements are.
» Appreciate the impact of the Equator Principles on the lending activities of financial institutions.
- Integrating ESG principles into your business:
- Sustainable Finance:
» Describe sustainable finance.
» Understand why investors, borrowers and lenders are interested in sustainable finance.
» Describe how sustainable finance works and the key considerations for participants including.
- ESG data:
- Responsible lending and investing:
» Describe how lenders and investors are going beyond basic ESG principles to commit to ways
of treating customers fairly and to manage investment risks.
» Describe how lenders and investors manage their supply chain and stakeholder relationships
to reduce indirect ESG risk.
- Embedding ESG strategy and policies :
» Understand how financial institutions can embed ESG data analytics and strategies into their business.
» Describe an effective ESG policy and how it can be embedded in a financial institution’s risk management framework.
» Case Study: Design your institutions’ ESG policy.
» Describe how improved board oversight can mitigate a lender’s governance risk
- Becoming and remaining a PRI Signatory.

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