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Banking Sector Regulation and Supervision
Banking Sector Regulation and Supervision
Training Activity Rate
Training activity Hours
Training activity Date
Training Activity Days
Start and End Time
16:30 - 20:00
Training Activity Classification
Course Language
In class
Type of Training
short courses
Deadline for registration
Price For Jordanian
112 JOD
Price For Non Jordanian
280 US$

By the end of this training course, trainees will be able to :

-       Ability to analyze banking sector performance.

-       Demonstrate an understanding of the difference between micro and macro prudential banks regulation policies and tools.

-       Demonstrate knowledge of main repercussions during financial crises.

-       Demonstrate ability to apply knowledge of the evolving of banks supervision .

Target Group

-     Financial Sector Employees .


-       The difference between Micro and Macroeconomics.

-        Introduction about financial policies.

-        Definition of central bank, its role, its main objectives and tasks in the economy.

-       Monetary policy tools and instruments, open market operations and public debt, prudential regulation definition the difference between micro and macro prudential regulation, prudential regulation tools.

-       Banks legal reserves requirements, Legal liquidity requirements.

-       Micro prudential and macro prudential regulation tools and measures and instructions for credit limits : CAR,  LLR, LTV,DTI.

-       CBJ Credit Bureaus Sector Supervision .

-       Regulatory Capital Instructions.

-       Stress testing, Instructions for Legal Liquidity.

-       Implementation of IFRS9 bank’s standards.

-       Anti- Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing.

-       Repercussions of Covid-19 Crisis.

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