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Training Fields

The training activities of this field aim to meet the training needs of the various ‎administrative levels of human cadres in banks, whether in the banking applications ‎sector, operations and support sector, or control sector. Those training activities will ‎deal with various basic and advanced topics in banking, including deposits, financing of all ‎kinds, branch and central operations, treasury, investments, best administrative and ‎strategic practices, compliance, corporate governance, various aspects of internal audit ‎, and control, and risks management.‎


Banking Finance and Credit Risk Analysis

Banking Finance and Credit Risk Analysis


15 Hours 17:00 - 20:00

مها جمعة Corporate (SME’s &…

Business Continuity Plan

Business Continuity Plan


3 Hours 17:00 - 20:00

رياض جزماوي Strategic Planning

Instructions for Treating Customers Fairly and Transparently

Instructions for Treating Customers Fairly and Transparently


6 Hours 10:00 - 16:00

عدنان سعد Compliance

Detecting Local, Arab and Foreign Currencies Counterfeit

Detecting Local, Arab and Foreign Currencies Counterfeit


5 Hours 17:00 - 19:30

امجد عطيه Branches

Basel Committee Accord and Risk Management

Basel Committee Accord and Risk Management


9 Hours 17:00 - 20:00

احمد ناجي Risk




12 Hours 16:30 - 19:30

علي عورتاني Compliance

Introduction to Financial Markets and Products

Introduction to Financial Markets and Products


15 Hours 16:30 - 20:15

عمر حتامله Treasury &…

Cash Operations Management in Branches

Cash Operations Management in Branches


12 Hours 17:00 - 20:00

عبدالله الخب Branches

Detecting Forged Signatures and Documents

Detecting Forged Signatures and Documents


5 Hours 17:00 - 19:30

امجد عطيه Branches

Credit Banking Legislation

Credit Banking Legislation


9 Hours 17:00 - 20:00

علي خميس Legal

SWIFT’s New ISO 20022 for Cross-Border Payments (CBPR)

SWIFT’s New ISO 20022 for Cross-Border Payments (CBPR)


15 Hours 17:00 - 20:00

احمد أبو دله Support Operations